Saturday, May 23, 2009


D.Q Hes back
Mna sorry that is took me so long but yall know that the mad poet could not say away,
but part 4

What i the feeling inside his head. what is this anger that fills him as he lays in his bead.destrection an mayham fill his veins an well as this diomnating rage.a ticking time bomb is what he pertrays his minds not stable so some but him a cage but see his rage imprisons him his not a hostile gut it just the pain an rage that grow an builds inside. hostile is at rise at times he is ready day he feels theres no reason to stay alive. he wants to murder the world but his feelings go un heard...he feels that his mind is in chains no one has the lock to his brain. thats why is hard to think
thats why is has hostile ways becaus ehe does not have the power to think an chage his mind to that the rage an anger will not build but in side but he is perpared to die he will yours his an mines at the drop of a dime..his brain is died an so is he an there he lays with no more line inside not hostile, but now a blind rage just caged