Wednesday, April 29, 2009

life is like tetris/enter D.Q's world

we can nerv find the best fit for life shit believe me i tried it crazy shit.....think that you got it 1

block to 2 blocks you doing good type shit.....something craches down to stop it said no exit to

pain that the life an the game brings...never a one time thing over an over agin the blocks fall an

crash down to know end...not a chance to see that daylight...mistakes are top one on this shit

key word to remember dont forget this because this is what most of us are best in.... no restin 3

blocks 4 blocks as the come craching down the is not escape you think that some of the mistakes

will delete themselves but the pervious blocks/mistakes were the same shit some bullshit for the

past/last night take a trip back in the time you will see why the blocks stake so tall will they fall i

am asking yall the foundation in prisons us all never again will we see the light thats if we let the

same shit become the same shit of today that was tomorrow so tell me dejahvu/boomarang

never to say away 5 blocks 6 block there the going pushing you closer an closer to the devils door

you can feel the heat on your pours correct one mistake the foundation shakes can you here it

EARTHQUAKE....thats what well all think we do one thing right an it well all go away....not to

day 7 blocks 8 blocks 9 and 10 no we are packed no shight not a chance to make an of these

blocks/mistakes right you can see the light be as second decrease away the light goes away in a

flash like lawn mowers over grass.....tetris/life is to tough didint think you were tought

enough......packed in like a can or sardines....maybe the is hope but the game is over you are at

the rope.........1